Ah, where were we? Oh, yes.
Sunday, Mother's Day: We all woke-up rather slowly that morning. The Uncle made all the Moms a great breakfast, lucky for me, cousins/faux-Aunties could have it also - fruit, eggs, bagels and bacon. *thud* Ames got her Mom a new cell phone, mine got a Starbucks card. Ha!
We went to Armitage (neighborhood/street) to shop, where I got a great new blouse and a custom designed handbag. *drool* I don't have an addiction, I don't! Then we went to the Aunt's parents house for a Mother's Day/Birthday dinner. It was yummy (Pompeii!) and fun to catch up with them all. I love hanging out with her family, it's soooo....filled with brothers and sisters! ;)
Oh, and there was Dinkels. *thud*
Monday: Going home day. The Aunt and Uncle went to work, Ames went to Grandma's (with syrup on the back of her dress, how I ask you?). The Mom and I went to Dinkels to search for chocolate croissants (weekends only!), then had breakfast at Wishbone. Mmm, warm banana bread...
And? The waiter at Wishbone told me I was the healthiest ever - carrot juice (interesting), banana bread and a big bowl of fruit. *snerk*
Anyway, we went to Whole Foods to stock up on travel supplies, then dropped the stuff off before going to Starbucks. And Su Van's, a neighborhood bakery I hadn't been to, for a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie, because HELLO....?!?! That's when the fire erupted, after we got back to the house and we were waiting for the town car...
Sirens, fire trucks, traffic, helicopters...Lakeview is relatively quiet and suddenly? Smoke, confusion. Luckily it wasn't any neighborhood icons. Whew.
Onward to O'Hare, then a LONG flight home.
I want to go back. NOW!