Thursday, November 1, 2007


So, it's November. Since October sucked beyond the telling of it, with the cold and the work crap, I'm kind of glad.

Ok, I'm really glad. I'm going to make an effort to be more positive and not let the soul-sucking...well, suck my soul. Snerk.

Anyway, onward to better things. Many exciting things are in the works around here - days off, Turkey, pie...

Saturday is "Long May She Reign"-Day, which is kinda like the Harry Potter weekend - only much smaller, doesn't involve going away or getting the book at midnight. Because I got the book last week, a full four days before it was officially published. Ha!

Sunday? We're dragging Dad to Disneyland. Ahem. Oh, and that show (whee!) starts again.

Saturday, 11/3: Book Day! Starbucks, Pedicures, Shopping, Pie...and READING!!!
Sunday, 11/4: AR Day! Disneyland, Olives and Amazing Race!

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