Saturday, October 20, 2007

Yeah, that was swell.

I had such high hopes for this week.

~I am almost well. Almost.
~I am currently employed. Currently.
~I am going on vacation. Going.

Of those three statements, two are *yay!* worthy. Which two, I wonder?

Sometimes I wonder why I am even surprised at the drama that occurs. Really.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Ok, I'm finally starting to feel better.

Yes, finally.

Survived my second orientation, which means I'm kind of official - well, unofficially official, I'm not official for another year. Yes, a year. I don't get it either.

Not much other news to report, just trying to spread my germs far and wide. Hmm...


Friday, October 12, 2007



It's Friday, which means we're doing stuff this weekend (phlegm or no phlegm):
~hair cut
~Disneyland (again)
~returning the pants


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Sick Girl Does Lunch

What do you eat when your throat hurts and you're cranky...?

A cup of Cold Care Tea with Brown Sugar (the honey was weird.).

A Choco-Walla Odwalla Bar...that you stopped to buy on the way home because you wanted one that much.

A peanut butter cookie.



Ewww. Sicko-girl is not having fun.
Enough about that. *sniffle*

The weekend was a blast, loved Ames telling us she had a melt down "because she didn't have a nap..."


This is getting annoying.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Yawn. One week down, an unknown number to go.

Yup, it's finally Friday. Whee. *thud*

You know, like 4-solid hours of sleep would be so nice right now. Yawn.

Weekend Plans...
Saturday, 10/6: Eyes, Bristol Farms, See's, Starbucks, Wild Oats, mundane!
Sunday, 10/7: Brunch, Starbucks, Downtown Disney, Disneyland...whee, Halloween!

Other than that, just working on Italy and Portland plans...ha!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Faux Friday

Ok, I so want to believe that Thursday is the new Friday, but I'm having issues.

Mainly with the whole "still got to get up at 5:00am tomorrow, which I wouldn't have to do it it *really* was Friday"-thing.
Have I mentioned that I'm literal?

Since today is Thursday, it is a good students around! Quiet day, whee!

Is it 5pm yet?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Day One, Version 2.0

So today was my first official day.

I had a safety orientation. FYI, you should scrub your hands for at least two renditions of "Happy Birthday" - either sung to yourself or out-loud, your choice.

Then I went to Human Resources, who had nothing for me to sign or look at. Payroll was equally stumped as to why I was there with my forms of ID.

I'm not sure if I should be worried. Thoughts?

In other news....
~That problem is slowly clearing itself up. SLOWLY. Grrr.
~The Chicago clan will be in town this weekend, Whee!