Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Weekend Update

Saturday, 3/31
Applied for 4 out of 7 jobs - check.
Ordered a mini-cooper - check.
Supermarket - check.
Toasted PB sammie - check.
Brownie coma - check.

Sunday, 4/1
Applied for 3 out of 7 jobs - check.
Walked to the Shore for coffee - check.
Plotted NY - check.
Cake coma - check.
Amazing Race - check.

Who knew you could order a car like a pizza?
No, I don't want the bonnet stripes, but yes...I do want the floor mats...?
Too bad it won't be here in 30-minutes...more like mid-June.

Not a bad weekend, considering. Weird, but not bad. :)

Friday, March 30, 2007

The Celebration Weekend

Well, we finally made it.
Almost two months after deciding to resign, I actually resigned. Whew, I don't know how much longer I could have acted/bluffed my way through, actually.

Which brings us to this weekend, the CELEBRATION weekend!

No weekend is complete, in my world, without cake/dessert/something, so there will be a brownie and a tiny bundt cake.

And, duh, a peanut butter sandwich! I am totally stealing the Doughboys recipe (mmmm, Red Velvet!)...they have a peanut butter, banana and chocolate sandwich that is dipped in an egg batter and version, not so much. Mine is toasted, with pb-banana-chocolate chips. Hee.

Then, the brownie - drool, actually a "chocolate ganache cake" from Dancing Deer. Warmed with ice cream...I think I just fell into a coma. *thud*

But before all that...I'm buying a car. Yeah, I quit and I'm buying a car...does it really surprise anyone that I'm doing it completely backwards? How long have all known me???

Saturday- Apply for 7 (!) more Jobs, Buy a Car, Supermarket, PB Sammie and Brownie
Sunday - Plot out NY Trip, Order B-Day Stuff, Bacon Sammie, Bundt Cake and Amazing Race

There might be some Starbucks coffee in there, maybe some magazine viewing, some food network watching...

All I know? I am so much more relaxed!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

La, La, La, La

T-Minus 27-hours and counting...

I am giddy!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Peanut Butter Tart, Version 2.0

Ok, the story.

I love peanut butter. A lot.

I go to Whole...uh, I go to a local supermarket specializing in quality food near work one dayto stock up on snacks and they have a bakery. Well, Ok, they have a section where they sell goods made by others, but hey, it's a bakery.

I love cake. I can't decide, do I want a mini chocolate cake or do I want the peanut butter tart...which is so not cake? I mean, cake. What's not to love, it's CAKE.

I go with the cake, then promptly dream about the peanut butter tart for three days, because hello, PEANUT BUTTER! I secure one a few days later and wow. Brownie base, a layer of chocolate, a beautiful beehive of piped peanut butter mousse, sprinkles of peanuts and a drizzle of chocolate...I'm in love. It's made by a local bakery in the South Bay, I even google them, for heaven's sake!

The next time I go, I get one. I refrain the next few trips, but then, I want one for St. Patrick's Day. I don't know why, it's not exactly Irish or the food of my people (being that it's my peoples holiday)....but, PEANUT BUTTER!

Um, they don't have it. And they even check in back, nada.
I am bummed. They have Irish soda bread, which is of my people, but it's not Peanut Butter. A few days later, someone from work offers to check when he goes by the store for lunch (Hi, Chris!) and....?
Horror of horrors...?
They say they are no longer stocking the products from that bakery...

I email the bakery, I call the store...I go insane. Turns out that it's not quite true, I'm just the only person in the South Bay in love with said product and they aren't selling well. But they can special order them....woo! So I special order, it will be in by Friday, 2pm...
2:30pm, Friday...I tart.

WTF? 2pm orders come in anytime, apparently, even 10pm. Uh, what?

I go by after work tart. Uh, WTF? I go off on the bakery person, but then apologize, because she keeps apologizing. I pick up some chocolate mousse cake (as a consolation, you understand) and go home.

And decided to write a letter.

By Saturday afternoon, the bakery had called. The store has emailed. Everyone had contacted me, but still, I didn't have the tart. They had them, by the way, they just don't get delivered until Saturday, not Friday. WTF?

Anyway, I am now on a quest to reproduce the tart, because how hard can it be? Brownie, Chocolate, PB Mousse, Chocolate Drizzle (I don't like the peanuts on top, they get mushy).

And that is why I a) shouldn't write letters and b) need to seek professional help.

The Peanut Butter Tart


How can I not start the blog with the tart story?

Well, actually, the blog is going to start with the countdown, which is four days. The tart story will come tonight.

Welcome to my life.